Read This If Your Dog Has Been Chewing His Paws
If your dog has been biting their paws, monitor them closely for signs of distress.
Published Oct. 25 2024, 4:25 p.m. ET

Every move a dog makes can cause concern in loving dog parents. If you notice your beloved dog chewing on, biting, or licking their paws, you may understandably feel worried that something is amiss.
Could it be a particularly bad day for pollen and other allergens in the air? Might your dog be sick, stressed, or just bored?
If you observe that your dog is excessively chewing on or biting their paws, trust your instincts and schedule a trip to the vet. Especially if your dog just came back from a visit to the park, a hiking trip, or other excursion, it is imperative that a veterinarian assesses the root cause for the biting or chewing, if their blood levels have been impacted in some way, and how to proceed with treating your dog.
Here's a look at a few possible reasons why your dog may be biting their paws — but remember, taking them to the vet rather than trying to self diagnose is always the safest option.
Dogs may chew their paws if they had a reaction to household cleaning products.

Cleaning products deserve a place in your home, but if those cleaning products contain essential oils which are toxic to dogs, your companion may react in severe ways. According to My Pet Nutritionist, a cleaning product label like "pet friendly" shouldn't be taken as a catch-all for safety.
If you suspect a cleaning product used on bedding, the floors, or other areas your dog comes into contact is causing a reaction, be sure to inform a vet immediately and switch up your cleaning routine. Dogs are sensitive to fragrances, especially essential oils, and you can discover over time which cleaning products keep both your home and your dog safe.
A food allergen may cause paw chewing, too.

If an ingredient in your dog's food is causing an allergic reaction, there's a good chance that histamine is flooding your dog's body, causing intense itchiness. Per My Pet Nutritionist, paw chewing or biting is a natural immune response to this reaction.
After learning which dog food brands and suspect ingredients might be causing the reaction, you can look for alternatives that are safer for dogs with allergies. Thankfully, there are many ethical brands on the market today that cater their products to dogs with different health needs and age groups.
Your dog might be injured or in pain.

According to PetMD, if your dog is chewing their paws in conjunction with limping or avoiding normal activity, they might be hurt or in pain. Whether the paw is from a cut, ingrown nail, a bee sting, or their paw pads were burned on hot surfaces (a very common occurrence for dogs who go on hikes in the Las Vegas summer) a veterinarian can assess the cause and prescribe treatment to help relieve your dog's pain.
Fleas and ticks might cause your dog to bite their paws.
Sometimes fleas and ticks bypass prevention strategies and cause suffering in your companion dog, per PetMD. They might take up residence on your dog's paws, causing him to bite his paws for some sense of relief. Your dog's vet will likely prescribe a popular flea and tick medication to treat and prevent the reappearance of these pests.