Natural Dog Diarrhea Remedies to Help Your Pup Feel Better Fast
Published Nov. 23 2021, 9:58 a.m. ET

Unfortunately, cleaning up dog poop is a non-negotiable part of being a pet parent. Most of the time, the process is pretty run-of-the-mill, but when your pup develops a case of “the runs,” the situation gets a bit more complicated. Doggie diarrhea can be a messy and unwelcome surprise for any pet parent, but there are plenty of natural dog diarrhea remedies out there that should have your pup feeling better in no time.
Lots of things can cause diarrhea in dogs.
Considering what your dog sometimes decides to eat, you might assume they have an iron stomach. The truth is, though, their digestive systems can be thrown off by pretty much anything, and the most common culprit of doggy diarrhea is something veterinarians call “garbage gut.” According to the American Kennel Club, garbage gut occurs when dogs eat the wrong type of food — like garbage or spoiled food, for example. It can also be caused by overeating.
Other diarrhea causes include allergies, parasites, infections, bacteria, illness, poisonous substances like onions, chocolate, or grapes, and even stress, in some cases. Either way, for scrambling pet parents, finding the root cause of the illness is often secondary to stopping excessive and explosive excrement. For that, many pet parents look to tried and true home remedies.

Hydration is critical.
Just like us, dogs need to stay hydrated to stay healthy, especially when they are sick. A full bowl of water will usually do the trick, but another great way to keep your dog hydrated and tighten things up back there, is to give them rice water.
According to Preventative Vet, rice water does double duty when it comes to dog doodie. Rice water contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates that your dog needs. It also relieves gas while slowing and enhancing the digestive process. Making rice water is easy, too, and there’s even a recipe for it right here at Green Matters.
Fasting can sometimes slow things down.
When diarrhea strikes, a good way to alleviate gastrointestinal stress is to give your pup’s system time to reset. According to Pet Helpful, a 24-hour fast can work wonders on adult dogs with diarrhea. Puppies should not go more than 12 hours without food, however, and neither should dogs that have preexisting conditions such as diabetes. Either way, it might be wise to check with your vet before attempting an impromptu fast.

Pumpkin is a tasty and restorative treat for aiding diarrhea.
Pumpkins aren’t just for fall décor — they’re also an excellent source of nutrients such as beta and alpha-carotene. According to Rescue Dogs 101, pumpkin contains vitamins that are essential for bringing your dog’s system back up to homeostasis. These vitamins include iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc, all topped off with a heaping helping of stool-bulking fiber. A few tablespoons added to your pup’s food can work wonders on a sour stomach.
The probiotics in yogurt can restore puppy gut flora.
You might not think of yogurt as a tummy ache aid, but according to Bonnie & Clyde Pet Goods, a dollop of plain, unflavored yogurt might just help reset your dog’s gut flora. Pet probiotic compounds and digestive supplements are also available at many pet stores, but they aren’t always necessary.
Either way, consult with your doctor before giving your dog any unfamiliar medication or food, and be sure to avoid any yogurt that contains the artificial sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to dogs, according to the FDA.

If your dog's diarrhea does not improve in a day or so, consult a vet.
If your dog’s diarrhea doesn’t improve with hydration or fasting, or if their condition worsens and new symptoms appear, it might be time to contact a vet. According to the American Kennel Club, symptoms such as lethargy, fever, vomiting, or loss of appetite will often require a professional touch. Extended periods of diarrhea could be an indication of something more serious at work, and prolonged dehydration could prove fatal if not addressed.