Woman’s Viral Video Highlights Why You Should Never Put Amazon Packages on Your Bed
She's just happy that she saw the bugs before they invaded her home.

Published Jan. 14 2025, 3:45 p.m. ET
While many of us may love the convenience of online shopping giants like Amazon, there's at least one woman out there who is upset that her last order came with a little more than she bargained for.
That's because one customer found bugs in her Amazon package, and she took to TikTok to show the world proof of her discovery and to warn them against doing some common Amazon faux pas, like putting your packages onto your bed to open them.
According to her and other shoppers, finding bugs inside Amazon deliveries isn't a new phenomenon either. In fact, many people hopped into the comments to share their own experiences with the online shopping store's creepy crawlies.
You can learn more about what they discovered below.

Customer finds bugs inside of her Amazon package.
TikTok user @queenerinthe1st, better known as Erin, is issuing a public service announcement after she says she discovered bugs inside her Amazon package.
The woman shared a clip of herself, which she opened by telling her followers that she was "freaking out" after she discovered a small black bug on her recent purchase. Only, it wasn't just a single bug that seemed to tag along with her new purchase from the warehouse to her doorstep, but instead, a whole collection of them!
While Erin was relieved to spot the unwanted guests quickly and move the box outside, it sounds like not all of her followers were so fortunate. "This happened to me and I couldn’t get rid of em for almost two years sis," one person wrote. "I tried everything."
Another person said that they had heard similar complaints from other shoppers lately. "There was video month ago lady said it had bed bugs in her package there actually couple videos going around," they wrote.
How can you keep from bringing unwanted bugs inside on your packages?
While the overall vibe from the comment section was that people should open all of their packages outside, a few people did point out something that many of us are guilty of, which is dropping those unopened packages on the furniture until we're ready to open them.
Several people pointed out the trouble with doing this — especially for anyone who brings their packages into the bedroom to open them and leaves them on the bed — which serves as a good reminder for all of us.
While not all shipments will contain surprises of the four (or eight) legged variety, there are plenty of other reasons to keep boxes on hard surfaces that are easily cleaned off afterwards, including the regular dirt and debris that packages come into contact with during transit.
Can bed bugs spread through your packages?
While it is possible for bed bugs to be transported in cardboard boxes or envelopes, it's unlikely. That said, according to Mantis Pest Solutions, if you are moving houses and the cardboard boxes were, for example, used by previous tenets, bed bugs could hide in the boxes.
They can survive without food for months, so the best thing you can do when receiving cardboard boxes of secondhand or newly purchased items is to open them outside of the home (and, if you purchased clothing items or bedding, throwing them immediately in hot water).
I know I'll be more mindful about where I put my unopened packages after this!