Here Are Some Climate Change Memes to Calm That Eco-Anxiety

Published June 1 2023, 10:38 a.m. ET

It's true that most of the conversation surrounding climate change is generally negative. Generally very negative.
However, it's okay to laugh from time to time, especially when looking at these climate change memes.

It's no news that climate anxiety and depression can lead to feelings of helplessness and can be very hard to cope with, per Harvard Medical School.
But, have you ever thought of how laughter can be a unifier? Well, recent research has shown that joking not only makes people more likable but also more persuasive. Not only this, but humor allows for connection and in general, makes us feel good.
According to Psychology Today, humor is actually a sign of hope, creativity, and growth. Laughter shows that we can envision a future, allows tension to diffuse, and even maybe help us move towards creative thinking.
In fact, a study in 2021 found that more exposure to climate change memes "increases individual intentions of online civic engagement regarding climate change."
Now, onto the memes.
1. Be that person! Be annoying!
No, but really don't worry about being annoying, there are bigger problems out there. Like climate change.
2. Do you even care about the soil?
Just kidding! But human waste can actually be useful, believe it or not. The most common way people compost their own feces is with a composting toilet, where the waste is mixed with sawdust, leaves, and wood ash to create usable compost.
3. Girls night!
Unfortunately, we are probably eating thousands of microplastics every week. Scientists have found them in our food and water, and now even in our blood. Gross.
4. Literally so sad for algae.
Algae are the forgotten photosynthesizers. Maybe if we paid more attention to them, we could see the wonders they could do for decreasing carbon dioxide. Some scientists actually believe that micro-algae could eventually be used to develop biofuels, animal feed, and wastewater treatment.
5. That's that on that.
Biodegradable things won't biodegrade the like they do in nature while in a pile of trash.
6. No actually why aren't we doing this...
I'm scared of artificial intelligence, but this would be so nice.
7. It's okay to calm down and be an imperfect environmentalist.
I get so sad when I forget my reusable bags and the only option is plastic at the store, but then I realize I can save the plastic bags and use them for something else later. It's not the best but I can't be angry forever.
8. We need her.
Calling all American Girlies, we need a fighter.
9. So true. Unfortunately.
It's okay, it's okay. We got this. Let's turn that anger into action.
10. She's so right.
Reading these in Jennifer Coolidge's voice makes them even funnier.
11. Relatable.
Really though, why do we have so many boring grass fields instead of beautiful flowers and plants?
If you are looking for more climate memes, check out meme pages like @gogreensavegreen on Instagram, or even @greenmatters for the occasional climate meme.