March Is Women’s History Month — Here’s When That Started

Published March 1 2023, 10:59 a.m. ET

Today is March 1, and you know what that means... it's Women's History Month!
The entire month of March is dedicated towards celebrating all who identify as women. It looks at how they have shaped world history, and reflects on everything that women have contributed to our society. Women have not — and still aren't — treated equally to men, and the celebration is meant to breathe new life into strengthening women's rights around the world.
To honor the month-long holiday, we're delving into how women's history month started, and how you can observe and celebrate it. We're also throwing in a few Women's History Month's memes in there, because let's face it: we have to be able to laugh about our struggles at the end of the day, right?

When did Women's History Month start?
Although it sadly isn't quite as prominent as other holidays we celebrate, Women's History Month has a relatively extensive history.
Per the Library of Congress, Women’s History Month has been celebrated for 35 years. In 1981, Congress claimed the week of March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week,” and it was celebrated that way for the next four years. But in 1987, things finally changed. The National Women’s History Project convinced Congress to pass a brand new law, titled Pub. L. 100-9, to designated March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.”
From 1988 to 1994, Congress continued requesting each year that the President dedicate the month of March to Women’s History Month, and from 1995 and on, presidents have continued to proclaim the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” The year 2023 will mark the 35th celebration of the holiday, reflecting on the achievements of American women, and recognizing their struggles throughout U.S. history.
How to celebrate Women's History Month:
There are many ways to celebrate Women's History Month — aside from telling all the women in your life how great they are, of course.
These climate books written by women will teach you about some incredible environmentalists who have kicked serious ass in the realm of climate research. From Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, to The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert, you're bound to find something that will captivate you. If reading isn't your speed, Unladylike is a great podcast to listen to about gender issues, and this list of movies by women and women-identifying directors are incredible, too.
To learn more about women's history first-hand, you can also take a look at the International Association of Women's Museums, to find a museum dedicated to women around the world, in your area. In the U.S., there's the Global Fund for Women and Girl Museum, which are both virtual, and the Women's Freedom Museum in Northbrook, Ill.
These Women's History Month memes will keep you laughing, even when times get tough.
When the times get tough, laughing through your tears will keep you going. That's why we've rounded up our favorite Women's History Month memes, to inspire you and make you LOL.
Women's History Month is an incredibly important time of year — not just to the environmental community, but in industries far and wide. Therefore, we hope you take the time to educate yourself on women's history and the struggles they face beyond the month-long holiday.