Accelerator Energy Drinks: Are They Actually a Healthy Option or One You Should Avoid?

Published Nov. 27 2023, 3:04 p.m. ET
The Gist:
Accelerator Active Energy drinks are a plant-based, zero-sugar energy drink brand that promises to improve metabolism, enhance focus, and give you sustained energy.
Although energy drinks are best enjoyed in moderation, Accelerator Active Energy Drinks may be among the healthier options.
Despite giving you the promised boost needed to get through the day, there are a lot of energy drinks out there that are pretty bad for you. Some brands of energy drinks contain extremely high levels of caffeine and all sorts of added chemicals that aren’t good for your body.
Accelerator Active Energy drinks are yet another energy drink line claiming to be all-natural, good for the metabolism, with zero sugar. With flavors like “Peach Paradise” and “Cherry Limeade,” these drinks seem very appealing, but are Accelerator energy drinks healthy? We did some research.

Are Accelerator energy drinks healthy?
Accelerator energy drinks appear to be a healthier option than other popular energy drink brands. Calling an energy drink healthy seems a bit far-fetched, considering most contain 200mg of caffeine, half the recommended daily limit in a single small can, and artificial sweeteners and flavors, per Mayo Clinic.
According to the National Institutes of Health, energy drinks are the leading dietary supplement among American young adults, with one-third of 12 to 17-year-olds drinking them regularly. This statistic has raised some concern because large amounts of caffeine are linked to anxiety, dehydration, and sleep problems and may cause increased blood pressure and heart rate, which can be especially harmful to children.
What are the ingredients in Accelerator energy drinks?
Accelerator energy drinks boast on their bottles that they are sugar-free and plant-based, but the ingredient list tells the whole story.
The first ingredients listed on the Accelerator "Orange Mango" are carbonated filtered water, citric acid, sodium citrate, and potassium phosphate.
Citric acid, a preservative used to stabilize pH levels, differs from natural citric acid. Unlike natural citric acid, a study found that manufactured citric acid can cause inflammation.
As for the drink’s caffeine, Accelerator lists the natural caffeine sources as green coffee bean, coffee fruit, guarana, and yerba mate.
Among the other ingredients listed is sucralose. Sucralose is an FDA-approved zero-calorie artificial sweetener known to be about 600 times sweeter than sugar. The health effects of sucralose are heavily debated, with some studies showing that the substance could increase blood sugar and reduce insulin sensitivity, while others show the opposite. For that reason, more research needs to be done before calling sucralose healthy or unhealthy, per Healthline.
Also listed is acesulfame potassium, or Ace-K, which is another sugar substitute. Ace-K is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is zero-calorie, making it a popular additive for health-focused food products. However, like sucralose, there are conflicting reviews regarding the additive. Although FDA-approved, some research says Ace-K may disrupt weight regulation and blood sugar, per Medical News Today.
The bottom line:
When it comes to energy drinks, it’s important to look for ones with natural caffeine sources and low sugar content like Accelerator’s drinks for the healthiest choice. However, the key to energy drinks is moderation. According to Mayo Clinic Health System, the tasty fruity flavors may be tempting, but drinking more than one can a day can be dangerous for some people.