TikTok's Earth Stewardess, an Original Member of "EcoTok," Shares Her "Green Routine" (Exclusive)

Published Aug. 12 2021, 4:31 p.m. ET
In an age where people blatantly ignore climate science and do little to lower their impact, the environmentalists of TikTok are doing everything they can to have their sustainable messages heard — including a coalition of TikTokers, called EcoTok. We spoke to one of the original members via email, a witty social media personality named Doria Brown, who goes by "The Earth Stewardess" on Instagram and on TikTok. She shared more on her involvement with the collective, as well as her Green Routine.
Before reading more on this seriously inspiring soul, check out one of The Earth Stewardess' most-watched TikTok videos, below — her videos are totally on-point, so we highly recommend giving her a follow.
After studying environmental science at Franklin Pierce University, Brown went on to work as a sustainability specialist at Worthen Industries, a chemical manufacturing company, where she installed the largest solar array in the state of New Hampshire. She now works as the Energy Manager for the city of Nashua, N.H.
During the pandemic, Brown — like most of us — had some down time, and used social media as an outlet for her passions: climate science, energy, and sustainability.
Seemingly overnight, she grew a following of 40,000 on TikTok, and 25,000 on Instagram, and eventually, she joined EcoTok, the first sustainability-focused TikTok collective with other like-minded social media environmentalists, such as @ecofreako, @sabrina.sustainable.life, and @queerbrownvegan. They've partnered with Bill Gates, TED, The Sierra Club, the United Nations, and beyond. And she says it's been a super inspiring experience.
"Being a part of EcoTok is a breath of fresh air," Brown tells us. "I joined this TikTok house because of the creators that are a part of it. We are a diverse group of students, scientists, sustainability professionals, and just overall badass individuals. No other group has pushed me more to improve me content and I really am proud of what we have been able to achieve as a collective."
And given Brown's extensive background in sustainability, her Green Routine is nothing short of amazing — check out how she keeps her impact in check, below.
GREEN MATTERS: When did you first get inspired to start protecting the planet? Why is it important to you?
DORIA BROWN: The first “aha” moment for me to start protecting the planet was in AP Environmental Science with Billy Goodman at Passaic Valley Region High School. We had to create SCRAPES books for the class where we read environmentally related news and summarize what happened in the article as well as potential solutions. Let’s just say that that started a bit of an obsession for me and I have been thinking about solutions ever since.
GM: Over the last few years, what specific life changes have you made to be more eco-friendly?
DB: The biggest change that my fiancé and I have made was purchasing an electric vehicle, and the smallest and slightly grossest change we have made is switching out our dog’s pee pads from disposable to reusable. What I am getting at here is that the size and expense of your change doesn’t matter, it’s the fact that you’re trying, that really is what’s important.
GM: What is one tip you'd give to someone trying to go green?
DB: Start small and then don’t stop!
GM: What's the biggest misconception you've heard about living sustainably?
DB: This biggest misconception for me is that living sustainably needs to look like a minimal and super swanky expensive aesthetic. When in reality the people with the least actually find ways to be the most creative and functional when it comes to living sustainably. To simplify my statement a little bit: your grandma’s reused “Country Crock” butter containers with all of her leftovers in it is just as sustainable and maybe even more than you boogie glass container set that you just dropped $70 on from Target (insert Megan The Stallion’s “ah” at the end of this please!).
Green Routine is a series from Green Matters that invites notable people in the environmental space to share the efforts they make to live more sustainably.