Here’s Why You Should Plant Evergreen Bushes or Vines Around Birdfeeders in Your Garden This Spring

No one likes being intruded upon when feeding, be it dogs or lions, and garden birds are no exception. Bird feeders hanging off your lawn or balcony are a great way to attract beautiful birds to your home space. However, it is important to make it seem as natural as possible by introducing garden residues and plants, of course. While gardens are likely to display lush greenery, gardening expert Lori Vanover of Birds & Blooms elucidated the practicality of planting evergreen bushes and vines around birdfeeders.

One of her top tips to attract birds to feeders encouraged homeowners to plant more trees and vines to provide shelter while they feed. According to her expert advice, birds tend to like cover and leafy vines and evergreen shrubs allow the birds to explore their meals in peace without feeling unsafe. She said growing native ornamental grasses will invite butterflies along with birds to your garden or lawn. In addition, leaving out a variety of foods including mealworms, peanuts, garden debris, and water will keep them coming back for more, per the source. Sticking up fruits, particularly, peeled orange slices can do a great job of attracting colorful birds like orioles.

A report by Audubon shared the significance of planting native flowering plants in gardens for a healthy environment for the local birds. Native plants provide nectar, fruits, and nourishing seeds to birds, bees, and butterflies. More importantly, they provide safe nesting places for the feathered visitors to raise their babies. Douglas Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home, emphasized how backyard birds are a crucial part of the food chain as they regulate insect populations in the environment. According to the source, four to six chicks feed on over 9,000 caterpillars within 16 days of hatching.

But it’s not all that simple. Local birds feed on native insects, which further thrive by infesting native plants. Hence, the importance of planting them in your backyard garden. Purple Coneflowers, sunflowers, milkweed, and cardinal flowers are some examples of native plants that attract birds. Whereas, buttonbush, elderberry, oak, and dogwood are some of the bushes and trees that serve the purpose respectively.

You put up birdfeeders and planted trees to attract birds and yet, there is not one in sight or have been in days. According to Lyric Wild Bird Food, birds may take a few hours to several days or weeks to pay a visit to even the most conspicuous feeders. While season and location are two integral factors in attracting birds, Wild Birds Unlimited speculated there might be more to the issue. They suggest that more often than not natural causes prevent the birds from perching on your feeders, the likes of squirrels, cats, or larger birds.

Regardless, garden and bird enthusiasts can try out simple solutions to persuade a variety of birds into the backyard. It is important to ensure that the feeder is filled to the brim with bird feed. If placing seeds, it should be appropriate for the local birds based on the topography of the region. Maintaining hygiene is essential for the birds to like their feeders even if they belong to the wild. "Having feeders that don't have any strange spots where birds could get their head stuck or their whole body stuck is important," Emma Greig of Project FeederWatch told Better Homes & Gardens.